Sunday, May 12, 2013

Baby Morton's Shower

The big baby shower went off without a hitch. I have to give a lot of credit to Tami. She did so much preparation and planning that there were no surprises and the whole day went smoothly. The only complaint I have is the weather. While the rain held off, it was much too cool to go outside. We had a large group and everyone was packed pretty tightly into our small house. Everyone adapted just fine and everything worked out great. Baby Morton received a lot of presents which Sveta helped to open. It was very cute. Each time Sveta would open a present and ask, "Who is this for?". The answer was the same every time. "It's for the baby". She handled the idea of presents not being for her very well. It appears Sveta is most excited about feeding the baby which she's been promised the opportunity to do. Tami also came up with a great idea. In lieu of party games she had all the men tell funny pregnancy or childbirth stories. We all had a good laugh at some of the experiences relayed from the fathers' perspectives. The whole party had a red, white and blue theme. The baby is due on the 4th of July, so it only seemed appropriate to have Independence Day decorations. The day's final activity was the setting off of some fireworks. They would have been more impressive in the dark, but I think everybody got the gist of what we were doing.

We also celebrated Mothers Day. I think all the Mothers in attendance were duly honored.

The food was also quite a hit. Tami prepared some delicious pulled pork and delicious side dishes highlighted by her famous baked beans. If you've never had Tami's baked beans, you are really missing something.

All in all, it was a great day. One that won't ever be forgotten. Now all we have to do is wait for Baby Morton to decide to enter this big, new world. We can't wait!

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