Sunday, July 27, 2014

How does this happen?

There are a lot of people out there smarter than me. Many of those smart people have used their brains to make a lot more money than me.

The business of professional sports is a multi billion dollar industry (Probably trillions if you combine all the sports). There are tons of smart people in sports who have come up with some very creative ways to make money. If you've been to a sporting event lately, you know it's more like going to the circus than going to a ballgame. They shoot free t-shirts into the stands, offer specials on concessions, have every possible activity on the Jumbotron scoreboard (Kiss Cam, guessing games etc...), give out bobbleheads and other collectibles etc...

Why all this talk about brains and sports? Because I can't imagine how a recent promotion in Denver went so horribly wrong. The Colorado Rockies have a star shortstop named Troy Tulowitzki. The team decided to give out 15,000 free jerseys with this guys name on the back. You can probably guess what happened. Yep, they misspelled his name. Granted, Tulowitzki is a tough name to spell, but you've got to be kidding me. How does a professional team hire a professional sporting goods company to make 15,000 jerseys for the team's most famous player and spell the name wrong? Furthermore, how is it that nobody noticed the mistake until it was too late? In the end the team handed out the jerseys anyway and offered the fans a chance to exchange them for corrected ones in September. I'm guessing most people will keep the originals as collectors items. This whole fiasco begs only one question. HOW IN THE WORLD DOES SOMETHING LIKE THIS HAPPEN? Can you imagine being the person in charge of this promotion? I would love to have been a fly on the wall when that person was called onto the carpet. Yikes!

Here are the jerseys. Notice the glaring error of the second "T" missing in Tulowitzki.

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