Monday, July 21, 2014

In my RIGHT mind

I've heard it said that left handed people are the only ones in their right mind. If that's true, I'm either half sane or half crazy. Take your pick.

When it comes to being right handed or left handed, I've always been a bit mixed up. I'm neither and I'm both at the same time. I don't do all things right handed or all things left handed. For example, I throw a ball, bat, bowl, use power tools, use most hand tools and shoot a gun right handed. On the other hand (Ha Ha! Pun fully intended!), I eat, write, shave, brush my teeth and perform other fine motor skills left handed. So, as you can see, I am not right handed or left handed and I am definitely not ambidextrous (i.e. I cannot eat or write right handed and I cannot throw a ball or bat left handed). In other words I am nothing but mixed up! I'm guessing that explains a lot about me.

This mixed up right/left handedness has always caused some issues in my life, but has also had some benefits. For example, when using a hammer, if my right hand gets tired, I can switch to my left hand to rest my right. However, in school most desks are made for right handed people. Over the years I learned to adapt, but it would have been so much easier to use a desk made for left handers. And speaking of writing, what left handed person doesn't know the frustration of smearing ink all over your hand and the paper when the ink doesn't dry instantly? Every handwritten document I ever produced had smudges and smears all over it. It doesn't make me sloppy, it makes me left handed. And don't even get me started on trying to write on the right side page of a spiral notebook. As a teacher, writing on blackboards and dry erase boards is always an adventure... UGH! It has been a life long struggle.

So which is it? Am I right handed or left handed? Yes, I am and no, I'm not. Both. Neither. It just depends on the situation.

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