Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Happy Birthday?

As the calendar turns to October, it brings to mind one thing. Exactly three years ago today I started this trivial little blog. I don't know whether to say Happy Birthday or Happy Anniversary to Silence Runs Deep. Either way, I've been posting (ALMOST) every day to this little corner of the blogosphere and a fair number of people have been reading this stuff. At last count this blog was averaging 7,300 page views per year. That's a little over 600 page views per month and 20 per day. I have no idea who is reading these postings that could only be described as swill, but it's obvious that SOMEBODY is checking out this blog each day. Whoever you are... Thank you so much for logging on and checking in. I am truly flattered that anybody finds anything interesting about what I have to say. I really enjoy this little outlet for my thoughts and feelings. I wouldn't do it if I didn't. But above all else, I want God to be honored and glorified through my writing. It is my prayer that is exactly what happens here almost every day.

Thank you again for sticking with me through three years of "Silence Runs Deep".

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