Monday, August 31, 2015


In my previous post I mentioned I don't remember much about the morning of my dad's death. However, I do remember one thing and it shows how young and naive I was. Within hours of arriving at the hospital to be with mom, a lady approached our family. There were a lot of people coming and going that morning, so another person didn't seem unusual. I remember her asking mom about donation. I guess I was grief stricken and also tired, because I thought this lady was callously asking for a financial donation to the hospital mere hours after dad's death. Mom told the lady she would think about it and get back to her. When the lady walked away I told mom how appalling and insensitive it was for somebody to ask for a donation so soon. Mom weakly smiled and told me I had it all wrong. The lady was asking about organ donation... not money. I sure felt stupid!
In the end mom told them to take anything they could use. As it turned out, most of dad's organs were unusable because of the leukemia. I know they were able to take his corneas, but I'm not sure about anything else. (Mom, correct me if I'm wrong here. This is all REALLY fuzzy in my memory). I still feel a little silly about thinking the hospital people were asking us for money. Funny how I remember that particular event after 25 years.

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