There are a million reasons schools today are not like they used to be. This is NOT going to be a rant about the state of public schools nowadays. Everybody knows today's schools are different than the schools we went to. Let's face it. Times have changed. Schools today are full of computers, laptops, iPads, Smartboards and every conceivable gadget. With all this wonderful technology, you'd think America's schools were churning out Einsteins of epic proportions. I'll just let that thought hang in the air for a moment. You decide if kids today are smarter than their ancestors. Not sure? Ask a 6th grader what 9x6 is... you'll quickly have the answer to your question when 54 doesn't come flying of their mouths. How did we ever learn anything without all those fancy electronic devices? How are we not as dumb as a box of rocks? I'll tell you how. Our parents valued education. If we didn't tow the line at school, our parents would immediately give us an attitude adjustment. The system used to work. I have no idea why we felt the need to fix it. Our grandparents and parents were pretty smart. We may not have thought that about them when we were young, but they were.
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