I have always said housewives/mothers are the hardest working people on the planet. I will continue saying it too. Not only that, but it's also one of the most under appreciated jobs as well. These women work their tails off, receive no monetary compensation and usually receive no thanks or credit for what they do. Unlike me (who gets to clock in and clock out of my job), these women never get to be off duty. I can list what these women do, but I will inevitably forget a bunch of stuff. Endless laundry, grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, caring for the children (a full time job in itself), taking care of the finances (in my case anyway), scheduling doctor and dentist appointments (and making sure everyone gets there), dropping off and picking up kids at various sports practices, music lessons, dance classes etc..., making cupcakes for the PTA, volunteering as room mother at school and God only knows the dozens of other things women do that I don't even consider or remember. I would never think of questioning what my wife, the mother of my children, does all day. I would probably shrivel up and die if I tried to do everything she does. I salute housewives and mothers everywhere. The most rewarding yet thankless job there is.
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