Monday, March 17, 2014

Going Green Part 2

In case you need further proof of my stance in my last post, I offer you this. I had a child in class today who removed his green t-shirt (he had another shirt underneath) and spent the better part of two hours wrapping it around his entire head. He literally piddled away a two hour class period by playing with his green t-shirt. Why didn't I ask him to stop you ask? Good question. I did ask him... many times. He refused. What do you mean he refused? How can a student just refuse? More good questions. However, if you have to ask, you probably haven't been in a public school classroom in a long while. Short of pulling the shirt off his head and ripping it out of his clenched hands, he was not relinquishing that shirt. Don't get me wrong. As a teacher I am not beyond forcing something away from a student. But this particular student has (get this, folks) "Anger Problems" (translation= this child can do whatever he wants with NO consequences). If I had forcefully taken the shirt, this child would have thrown a monstrous tantrum and physically destroyed my classroom. Don't believe me? He's done it several times before. Tipping over desks, tipping over chairs, throwing books off of shelves, throwing books, throwing pencils etc... Sometimes a teacher must decide if letting a child play with a t-shirt for two hours is worth it or not. That's not the mountain I wanted to die on today.

Now you tell me, folks. Is it worth allowing these kids to "celebrate" St. Patrick's Day by wearing green? Unfortunately I have to say no. You may ask, "Isn't that punishing the masses for one kid?" "That doesn't sound fair." You would be right, but the fact is I only reported the extreme case of my day. Honestly the behavior of the 6th grade in general was not good today. This is usually the case when the students are permitted to dress differently than usual. If my goal is to teach (which it is), then I'd have to veto any special days. I know, I know... I'm such a hard case.

1 comment:

  1. Had me wondering who this was...... Until I read about the tantrums!!! Out of uniform days are a HUGE headache!!!!
