Wednesday, June 11, 2014


I have always been fascinated with abandoned places. Maybe it's my love for history or maybe it's my yearning for the simpler times of the good ol' days. Whatever the case, these places that time has seemingly forgotten interest me a great deal.

The country is littered with abandoned amusement parks, drive-in theaters, factories, shopping malls, restaurants, miniature golf courses, houses and a plethora of other locations. Places that used to be bustling with life now sit empty, boarded up, crumbling and overgrown with weeds. In some of these places, it looks like the owners walked away leaving things exactly as they always were (like they expected to return the next day). In other cases places were prepared for closing and steps were taken before the place was left behind. Some particular places of interest in Cincinnati that have been abandoned are Americana Amusement Park, Fantasy Farm Amusement Park, Surf Cincinnati Water Park, The Beach Water Park (now reopened), numerous drive-in theaters, Swifton Commons shopping center, Seymour Plaza shopping center, Forest Fair Mall (Still open, but should be considered all but abandoned), Stearns and Foster mattress factory in Lockland (along with many other abandoned factories), and infinite numbers of abandoned restaurants and houses.

Why all this talk about abandoned places? Because I stumbled upon a fascinating website. It shows dozens of places in the Greater Cincinnati area that have been abandoned. The author photographs these places and writes articles explaining the history of the location, how it came to be abandoned and what is going on with the location today.

Here's a sample of what I'm talking about.

The Bumper Boat Pool at Surf Cincinnati

The Waterfront Restaurant

Abandoned Putt-Putt Golf and Games

Ghost Ship near Lawrenceburg, Indiana (separate post on this later)

Ride cars--- Americana- Middletown, OH

Screechin' Eagle roller coaster--- Americana

Belle of Lesourdesville--- Replica steam boat---- Americana (Formerly Lesourdesville Lake)

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