Sunday, June 8, 2014

It happens...

I don't fancy myself a good writer. I'll never win a Pulitzer Prize. Heck, I won't even ever write a book. The most writing I will ever do is in this little corner of the blogosphere known as "Silence Runs Deep". However, just like all writers, good, bad and in-between, I sometimes hit a dry spell. It's called writer's block. Basically it means a writer sometimes encounters times when s/he has difficulty thinking of things to write about. I don't know if I am experiencing writer's block or if I just got busy at the end of the school year and didn't have much time to post to my blog. No matter what the cause, I'm aware that my blog has gotten a bit stale and my posts have been a little pithy (brief) lately. Please understand I am aware of it and I will post more interesting stuff soon. I know you can only read so much about a teacher's countdown to summer and only look at so many pictures of my grandchildren (even though they are as cute as the dickens!). Now that summer is here I will have lots more time and many more opportunities to come across interesting ideas for topics. Stick with me, folks. This blog may have had a lull, but it is far from dead. Keep reading. I will try to make it worth your time.

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