Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A Teacher's Nightmare

I'm entitling this post "A Teacher's Nightmare", but it may be more accurate to entitle it "A Student's Nightmare". Allow me to explain...

The deep south received a rare and crippling winter storm yesterday. States like Mississippi, Texas, Alabama, Louisiana and even northern Florida received ice and snow. Needless to say these folks are not used to driving on asphalt covered in frozen precipitation. I heard a news report that driving conditions in Birmingham, Alabama were so hazardous that some students were forced to spend the night at school because the roads were too dangerous for their parents to pick them up. Let me repeat that. Kids... spent the night... at... school!!!!!!!!!! Just typing those words sends shivers down my spine. I cannot imagine spending the night in my classroom with 20+ kids. The reasons are obvious. I won't ramble on with the details. In fact, I'll probably have REAL nightmares tonight just thinking about this scenario. UGH!

The photo below was sent to me by my Father-in-law. I have every reason to believe it is legitimate and not photo shopped. Oh the irony! Good Golly!

1 comment:

  1. Don't even joke about things like this!!!! I'm not a "real" teacher so you would be on your own with those 20 kids ;)
