Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Wish you were here!

I received a call this morning saying the start of school would be delayed by 90 minutes. I got ready as I always do and hopped in the car for what I predicted would be a wild ride to work. I was correct in my prediction. I almost didn't make it. There is a small hill near my house and I couldn't make it up. I tried to back down and slid sideways. Fortunately I got turned around and went back down nose first. After finding an alternate route, I slipped and slid all the way to work. And then it happened... as I pulled into the school parking lot my phone rang and I got the message that school was now closed. DRAT! I risked life and limb for nothing!

I am back home safely now and I'm looking out the window at what appears to be about 4 inches of snow. It is supposed to snow for several more hours and I'm guessing we'll end up with 5+ inches. The temperatures are in a free fall toward zero and the wind is howling as well. The weather outside is not fit for man nor beast. Furthermore, the events of this morning only cement my love of winter and snowy weather. THE SNOW IS LOVELY! It's a veritable winter wonderland out there.

I will leave you with this. These photos were taken about 9:00 this morning and are for the benefit of my Mom and sister in Florida. I'm thinking of putting them on a postcard with the caption, "Wish you were here!".

1 comment:

  1. See sometimes it pays off waiting till the last minute to leave for work!! ;)
