Well, it turns out it's an excellent opportunity anyway. Even if he is only going to Florida and not some third world country. Michael will be traveling with about 25 other NKU students and a handful of adults to participate in a large, multi-university program called, "BEACH REACH". Beach Reach is a missions opportunity by college students and for college students. The Beach Reach teams will be offering free van rides to intoxicated spring breakers. You'd like to think this type of service wouldn't be necessary, but the truth is thousands of underage students are getting sloshed in Florida and other spring break destinations every year. Very sad! The Beach Reach teams will also be cooking and serving free pancakes to the multitude of hungover students who may not otherwise be thinking about eating a good breakfast. My guess is they are trying to save their money for their night life. Finally the teams will be handing out tracts on the beach. You know, people on the beach need Christ too :-) The Beach Reach teams will not be spending all their time serving other spring breakers. They do get time to relax and enjoy themselves too.
All in all, I'm really proud of Michael's heart for Christ and his willingness to serve others. How convenient that he decided to take a missions trip to Florida when there's snow on the ground in Cincinnati. You know, people in Alaska need Christ too :-)
Michael leaves for Panama tomorrow afternoon. I'll be praying for his safety and for the furthering of the kingdom on the beaches of Florida. I only hope he brings some sunshine home with him. God bless you, my son.

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