It's easy to say, "Jesus died for me". But when you think about what that means and what crucifixion really was, it reaches a whole different level. Crucifixion was created by the Persians, but was perfected by the Romans as a means of torture and ultimately, death. It was designed to be the slowest, most agonizing form of execution possible. That in itself is unimaginable, but it wasn't even the worst part. At the point of his death, Christ cried out, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" This is because at that moment Christ was separated from His Heavenly father and the weight of the sin of the entire world was upon him. A pain so great, no man could ever endure it. That's the price that was paid for all of us. Christ paid our debt in full with his very own blood.
This also brings up the question: "Why is today called Good Friday?". There's nothing good about a slow, tortuous death. A little bit of research gave no definitive answer to the question. However, the best I could find was all this pain and suffering brought about the greatest good the world has ever known... Christ saving the world from its sin. If anything, Easter should be called Good Sunday. The commemoration of the resurrection.

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