If you've known me for any length of time, you know I love to eat and you know I've always struggled with that pudgy spare tire around my middle. You probably also know I've lost more than 50 pounds on at least two occasions only to gradually put it back on. This usually happened when I would diet prior to a cruise, eat like a mad man on the cruise and never get back to good eating habits afterward. Every time I lose a bunch of weight, I promise myself I won't put it back on... inevitably I do *Sigh* I've been on a diet roller coaster for years.
In the last few months I've lost around 15 pounds. At least that's my best guess. You may be wondering why I don't know EXACTLY how much I've lost. It's because we no longer have a bathroom scale and I've decided it may be better if I don't weigh myself this time around. On previous diets I would weigh myself daily and on a particularly obsessive day, twice. It got to be ridiculous. I would get all bent out of shape if I felt like the diet was going well and I'd step on the scale only to find I'd gained a pound or two. Some of this can be chalked up to body fluctuations and a less than accurate scale. Now that I am not weighing myself every 12 hours, I don't worry as much.
I knew it was time to go back on a diet when none of my clothes fit anymore. There was no way I could afford to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe. I also knew it was time to go on a diet when I'd bend over to tie my shoes and I couldn't breathe. The overall discomfort that comes with being overweight is enough to spur me into action. Another reason for wanting to lose weight is for Sveta and the new baby. I don't want to be a fat Goppa and I want to be around for a long time to enjoy my grandchildren.
I won't spend a lot of time on this blog talking about my diet and weight loss. However, it is a part of my life right now. I guess a post here and there can't hurt.

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