Most readers of this blog are probably familiar with the concept of small groups as it relates to church life and your church family. If you're not familiar, it's basically a group of 4 or 5 families from the church that get together on a monthly basis. Our church divides the groups based on where you live. Most of our families are from Indiana. The evening begins with a meal. Food is always a good way to start any gathering. Then there's a Bible lesson led by a church elder followed by prayer requests. The evening usually ends with a decadent dessert and socializing. Each family takes a turn hosting so you only have to clean their house every 4th or 5th month. Face it folks... when you have company over you clean stuff you wouldn't normally clean :-) Tonight we meet with our small group and I am really looking forward to it. The families in our small group have really meshed well. I'm guessing it's not always that way, but I can only speak for our own group. it also doesn't hurt that they are all good cooks... yum! I am thankful for this group of believers in my life. Of course it's also wonderful to have my regular family (Parents, siblings, nieces etc...), but a person can never have too much family and our small group just extends the number the people we care about and pray for. It also increases the number of those that care about us and pray for us. That's always a good thing.

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