Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Not getting used to it

Even though Michael was rarely around once he started college, he was at least around every now and then. He moved out only 5 days ago and I am nowhere near used to it yet. Somehow it still seems like he'll come walking through the door late at night. As we sit around in the evenings after dinner, it seems strange that Abby is the only kid left in the house. She is usually in her room or downstairs on the computer. Tami and I sit alone in the living room. The house seems unusually cold and empty. Abby is full of life and when she decides to sit in the living room with us, keeps the conversation going (almost singlehandedly). But for the most part, the house is quiet and will only get more quiet when Abby gets her drivers license and is rarely home. I know I am only experiencing what countless parents before me have gone through... The gradual emptying of the house. I think this is why God gave us grandchildren. We can at least look forward to the times when they come to visit.

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