Tami and I do not celebrate Valentines Day. At least not in the traditional sense of Hallmark cards, heart shaped chocolates and roses. We both find the whole "holiday" kind of ridiculous. To think that Americans spend billions (yes, that's billions with a "B") of dollars on this so-called holiday is mind boggling. Before you all start labeling me as some sort of unromantic lout, there is something you need to know. I am much more romantic than Tami is. She is a no nonsense kind of gal and that's one of the things I've always loved about her. As a matter of fact, when I try to be all romantic and mushy, it usually ends with her scoffing at me. I know mushy romance is not what makes her tick, so I generally avoid the over-the-top kind of stuff. I don't need a special day to let her know I love her (and vice versa). We both know how the other feels and it's reinforced daily. Not celebrating Valentines Day doesn't mean we don't do special things. It's quite the contrary. We love going out for a romantic dinner. But we like going out to dinner on our own terms, not just because the calendar reads February 14th. Besides, we both prefer to avoid the crowds. If you don't know what I mean, try going to a decent restaurant tonight. Let me know how that works out. Please understand... if you and your spouse celebrate Valentines Day, and it makes you happy, more power to you! It's just not something that Tami and I get all charged up about. I can't tell you how liberating it is every year on this day. Not having to worry about finding the perfect card, paying double prices for flowers or buying a piece of jewelry that will end up in a jewelry box.
I like to listen to the radio on the way to and from work. The last few days radio stations have been running Valentine contests. One station was offering prizes for the woman who called in and had the best story about the most unromantic husband. You can probably imagine some of those phone calls! Another station was offering a day of pampering at a day spa for the woman who called in with the story about the best Valentine gift she had ever received. I must admit it made for some entertaining listening, but at the same time made me happy I didn't have to worry about all that stuff.
So... Happy Valentines Day, I guess.

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