66 years ago today, a very significant event changed the game of baseball forever. April 15, 1947 is the day Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier. Jackie spent the early part of his professional days being the target of jeers, sneers, racial slurs and outright hatred. Jackie, while deeply hurt, pressed through it and went on to have an illustrious career.
Today, in tribute to Jackie Robinson, every baseball player in the major leagues wore Jackie's number 42. It's no coincidence the movie depicting Jackie's life came out this week. "42" had the highest grossing opening weekend of any baseball movie in history. I wouldn't mind seeing this flick myself.
Here's the kicker--- The Reds played the Phillies tonight. Wanna guess the final score? Would you believe 4-2? How nice of the Reds and Phillies to score 4 and 2 runs respectively. Wanna guess the name of the guy who scored the winning run? Derrick Robinson. You can't make this stuff up! Unbelievable!

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