Listen folks, I don't have pets. I think that has been well documented on this blog. I completely understand how people get attached to their pets and actually consider them members of the family. That's all well and good, but when you can no longer afford the pet and have to rely on government assistance (i.e. MY hard-earned money) to keep the pet, it's time to consider alternatives. Perhaps a friend or family member could keep the pet until you are in a better financial position. Perhaps someone in your neighborhood would take the dog. I'm not suggesting these folks take the dog to the pound where it will eventually be put down. I'm just thinking there has to be a way to solve this problem without using government money. I don't own a dog. If I wanted to pay to feed one, I'd get one. When it comes to choosing between feeding a child or feeding a dog, isn't the choice obvious?
In fairness, here's a point of clarification. I think the program is only in the state of New York, so it's not actually MY money being used. But still... somebody in New York is paying for it.

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