Today is April 1st. The day that has commonly become known as April Fool's Day. I don't really know the origins of this day and frankly it doesn't really matter to me. I've never been a fan of April Fool's day or pranks in general. Especially as an elementary school teacher... this day has never been anything more than a major distraction and disruption to the school day. Believe me, I'm happy this day fell on spring break. Am I a big stick in the mud? Maybe, but I just can't wrap my mind around a day designed to play tricks on people. I like to have fun as much as the next guy, but this whole day just seems silly to me.
On another note... Today is Opening Day and I will be taking Michael to the Reds game. Some might say I'm a fool for going to a baseball game when it's freezing cold outside and there is a chance of snow flurries, but hey, I'm going no matter what the weather does. I'm looking forward to spend ing the day with my son and hopefully bringing home a winner. I know Michael doesn't live with us anymore, but I don't think it's ever too late to build memories with your kids. It's going to a great day!

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