We started in a parking lot so she could get the feel of the gas, the brake and steering wheel. Everything was fine until she almost hit a brand new Honda Accord that was parked there. I know it was new because it had temporary tags that were only a week old. I'm sure you can hear me now. "Abby stop. Abby STOP! ABBYYYYYYY! STOOOOOOOOOOP!!!!!!!!". Phew!
We then proceeded onto the road. The truth is she did pretty well for her first time. She maintained a nice steady speed, kept the car in her lane and didn't wipe out any parked cars or mailboxes. There WERE two instances where she approached a stop sign and hit the gas instead of the brake. While this is initially a scary experience, there were no other cars around and she quickly corrected her error. Other than those missteps, things went well overall. She is required to log 50 hours behind the wheel before she can get her license. Yesterday may well have been the longest 30 minutes of my life (just kidding). Only 49 and a half hours to go :-)
Here's my little heart attack, uh I mean student driver.

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