What's the news? Tami has a new part-time job. She's currently working three days a week for a company called Caring Transitions. Caring Transitions is a national company, but Tami is working for its newest franchise is western Cincinnati. The franchise is owned by a married couple who happen to be senior citizens. Tami is their only employee and has made quite an impression in her first few weeks.
Caring Transitions is a company that helps older people downsize when they are no longer in need of (or are no longer capable of) living in a large house. They handle estate sales and also clean up after so-called hoarders after they pass away. For the record not all hoarders are like the extreme (and sometimes deplorable) cases seen on television. Hoarders are sometimes merely collectors that often live in very nice homes. They do this by going into the house and going through everything. They sort it, catalog it, photograph it, assess its value and prepare to sell it at auction. Right now Tami's job is to download the photos onto the computer, write descriptions of the items and post them online for auction. She also went into one of the estates and helped with processing all the items in the home. It's kind of like American Pickers, Pawn Stars and Storage Wars all rolled into one. If you've seen those TV shows you know what I mean. Can you imagine the fun of discovering "who knows what" kind of treasures? Tami expects to expand her role as time goes along. While her bosses are very experienced business owners, they are new to THIS particular business. She's already made herself very valuable to them and will only get more valuable as time goes along. I personally think she will become invaluable and downright indispensable.
So far she really likes the job and is excited at this new opportunity. She is also confident this job will grow into something big. I completely agree. This company is going to grow fast (they already have more work than they can handle) and Tami is positioning herself to grow right along with it.

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