Tuesday, February 11, 2014


You all know I am a Social Studies teacher. One component of the Social Studies curriculum is geography. Geography is one of my favorite subjects and that's why I enjoy Social Studies so much.

I have always loved maps. Since I was a young boy, I have always been able to sit and study any map for hours. It doesn't matter what kind of map it is, I love looking at it and digesting every detail. It's for this reason also that I seem to do really well on Geography questions in trivia games. I try not to be a Geography snob, but I must admit I find the general public's lack of even basic geography skills appalling. I think everybody should be able to locate any of the 50 states on a map, know the seven continents, the four oceans and major rivers and cities. The lack of basic geography knowledge has been the source of several funny family stories that are told still today. One such story occurred when we were playing Trivial Pursuit. I don't remember the specific question, but it started with, "What country.............". My sister-in-law's answer was Africa. AFRICA??????? Seriously?????? Africa?????? Africa is a continent, not a country. Sheesh!


I know everybody isn't a map junkie like me. The following map may look like a joke, but I'm telling you it's not. There are people out there with no earthly idea (no pun intended)where anything is located. I honestly have 6th graders who can't tell you what state they live in or what continent they live on. And believe me, It's not that it hasn't been taught. It most certainly has been taught... many times. It's not at all uncommon to ask a child what state he/she lives in and get answers like, Cincinnati or America. UGH!

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