Thursday, February 13, 2014

Olympic Sweep

The secret is out and I don't believe there is any danger of spoiling anything at this point.

Nick Goepper won a bronze medal at the Sochi Olympics as part of an American sweep of the slopestyle skiing competition.

There were a lot of cool sights around Hidden Valley Lake today. As I drove into "The Valley", there was a large sign congratulating Nick on his bronze medal. You already saw the olympic rings of the dam. Someone also walked onto the frozen lake and carved a message in the snow covering the ice. It said, "USA. Go Nick!" and had the olympic rings. There were countless other handmade signs and messages on the electronic sign boards of area businesses. It was quite the exciting day here in little ol' Hidden Valley Lake.

Nick was favored to win the gold in this competition, but he came up short this time. I have a feeling he will be back though. At the tender age of 19, Nick will still be in his prime when the olympics roll around again in 4 years.

Thanks, Nick. You made the locals proud today!

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