Wednesday, February 5, 2014

I Like Ham

Last night we watched the much anticipated and much publicized debate between Ken Ham and Bill Nye. Ken Ham is the founder of the Creation Museum and Christian, creationism apologist organization Answers in Genesis. Bill Nye is the self-proclaimed "Science Guy". A science guy who doesn't even have a degree in science (I believe his degree is in engineering, but I'm not positive). These men are diametrically opposed in their view of how the world was formed. Ken Ham contends what I view as obvious. The world (including mankind, all animal and plant life) was created in 6 days by an all powerful and almighty God. A plan that was in place since eternity past. Bill Nye contends the world was created purely by chance in a huge cosmic accident known as the Big Bang Theory. Think about how absurd this is. There was nothing, then there was this gigantic explosion in space and primitive life forms were created. Even more absurd is the notion that all the complex life forms on the earth today somehow evolved out of that primordial ooze. Mr. Nye also contends that science proves the earth was formed in the Big Bang and that the Bible was merely written by men and there is no proof that any of it is true. Mr. Ham contends the Bible is God's complete and perfect word and very clearly outlines the origins of everything on earth. Mr. Nye contends science is based solely on fact and that the Bible is purely speculation. Mr. Ham admits that it takes faith to accept the Bible as God's word, but also contends that Mr. Nye's so called science also requires faith as there is no way to go back in time to observe the world of long ago. Mr. Nye says carbon dating clearly and accurately dates the world back billions of years. Mr. Ham shot holes in that statement by pointing out there are hundreds of dating systems and they are all over the map in their results. In other words, one dating system may date a rock to be 10,000 years old and another dating system may date that very same rock as much younger. There is no consistency in these dating systems and are totally unreliable. Mr. Nye said if you were a Christian there was no way you could be a scientist. I guess he was saying all scientists believe the world was created by chance. Mr. Ham showed videos of scientists who believe the world was created by God and named many others. Being a scientist and a Christian are not mutually exclusive.

I must apologize because I feel like I'm bogging you down in details. I'll stop here. There is so much more and Ken Ham presents it so much more eloquently than me. If you want to see the debate for yourself go here:

Ken Ham -vs- Bill Nye debate

I think all the readers of this blog know me well enough to know what I believe about this issue. I don't believe there is any other explanation for the creation of the earth than God. It's that simple for me. I could not be more certain the Bible is God's true word and He speaks to us and teaches us through that word. And speaking of the Bible, it became evident throughout the debate that Bill Nye has no idea what the Bible actually says. Don't you think in order to refute the Bible, he should actually know what's in it? Mr. Ham on the other hand knew exactly what the secular scientists' view is. He stated it plainly and a trip through the Creation Museum accurately reveals secular science views versus the Christian worldview.  The key in a debate like this is knowing your opponent's case better than he knows it himself. In this area, Ken Ham mopped the floor with Bill Nye.

I'm not here to beat you over the head with the Bible. That simply doesn't work. All you can do is read the Bible for yourself, think for yourself and decide for yourself. I'm just a man. Don't take my word for anything. My word is worthless. Take God's word for it. His word is NOT worthless.  

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